Monday, 12 May 2014

Manchester Midland Hotel Lunch

Great fun, and a privilege to speak at the Midland Hotel Manchester on May 4th, for the 110th Anniversary of Rolls and Henry Edmunds meeting Royce. Travelled as Rolls did, by train via Crewe and Stockport to see forty or so cars splendidly parked outside the hotel,and not a drop of rain in sight. We forgot to bring a camera – so sad.

Cars had come from the Netherlands, Derbyshire as well as all parts of the Northern Section organised by John Beecroft.

Lunch was launched with a toast to Rolls and Royce by Graham Mead, and grace given by Northern Section founder, Roy Brooks, who was sporting a Rolls-Royce hand injury after fighting  a losing battle with a stiff nut on his car.

Roy sat next to me and said his first car cost £30 – those were the days!. His grace was succinct and fitting for the occasion:

            Dear God we thank you for this food
            For family, friends and all things good
            For our cars and their creator
            Rolls in sales and Royce the maker
            In this year of celebration
There’s lots of joy and jubilation
May we all these blessings share
And hearts be grateful everywhere.  Amen. 

Stephen Beers of Northern section was on our table, and told a splendid tale of himself, as a ten year old boy, patting the mascot on a wealthy neighbours Silver
Cloud, on the way to school each   morning.   .When nabbed by his neighbour, he told him he wanted his own Rolls-Royce one  and was told to work hard and then he would have one.
Now he has. A splendid Silver Spirit…see photograph .An enthusiast indeed.

After lunch Yours Truly gave a light hearted , yet well received talk on Rolls , followed by David Dudley’s masterly forensic tour of the Cooke Street works(now demolished)..another true bowler hatted enthusiast.
 Agreat day out and the train “Took the Strain” ,from Manchester back to Shrewsbury.

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